Minervet S.A. at the CAHE 2019
8 de July de 2019
Plasma Cholinesterase Activity in Wild Birds
4 de September de 2019In May, the veterinarian Martín Quero travelled to China where he imparted technical trainings together with HANSENG (Weifang Yutian Herui Int. Trade Co. LTD), Minervet’s distributor in the country.
Dr. Quero visited several locations in the Asian country to show the company’s natural products and mycotoxin binders to potential customers; he also gave training sessions to the distributor’s technical team and presented the main avian pathologies in the world at a conference in Weifang.
The distributor and Dr. Quero scheduled meetings with customers with the aim to advise on the new products that need to be added in the distribution plan.
Mycotoxin Binders
During the visits, they presented the mycotoxin binders Aisen and Aisen Plus to potential customers focused on breeding and laying hens. Both products are composed of bentonites. Mycotoxins travel through the intestinal tract without being absorbed and without causing irritation on the intestinal walls. In addition, Aisen Plus incorporates probiotics, which promote the balance of the intestinal microbiota.
They also discussed about topics related to the main problems in the production systems and incidences of mycotoxicosis in the farms.
Technical training with the team of HANSENG
The HANSENG distributor organized a training for the company’s technical staff on the new products recently incorporated into the distribution network. In the session, MINER G was presented. It is a natural product that improves both feed and intestinal health. MINERMOLD, a natural preservative, which confers proven efficacy thanks to its bactericidal and fungicidal characteristics was also one of the showcased products during the session.
Finally, the visit concluded with a conference organized by HANSENG on May 23 and 24, in the city of Weifang, China. The event was attended by approximately 100 people linked to poultry farming, including academics, researchers, producers and workers of the poultry industry. MINERVET S.A. addressed the topic “Top 10 poultry diseases around the world” by stating which diseases have the greatest incidence and which Minvervet’s product can be used to treat certain injuries.