First session of the III Minervet International Symposium
22 de July de 2022
The importance of corn in Bolivia
18 de August de 2022Minervet S.A. organized its III International Symposium on 20th July in virtual format. Distributors and costumers from several countries of Latin America attended the congress.
The second session of the symposium started with the conference of Mr. Francisco Pacheco about the international logistics situation, which is marked by strong price increases and congestions in ports at an international level. A fact that strongly harms exports. In that sense, Mr. Pacheco recommended making forecast orders as soon as possible to avoid stock breakage or derived problems.
Safety in grains and feed for animal nutrition
Then, Dr. Evangelina Zarate, veterinarian at Minervet, presented a conference entitled ‘Safety in grains and feed’ which detailed the different ways in which grains and feed can be contaminated through all the productive chain.
The presence of contaminants in feed for animal production is under control of national and international regulations as it can affect animal welfare and food safety.
For this reason, it is essential to maintain good management practices in the cultivation, harvesting and storage of cereals to try to prevent pathogens and toxins from reaching the animal’s body.
Minermold: natural microbicide with preservative action
It is also highly recommended to add products that manage to reduce or prevent the appearance of pathogenic microorganisms that develop in feed. In that context, Dr. Germán Gonzalez, was in charge of presenting the MINERMOLD product to the attendees. It is a product developed by Minervet that acts as a natural microbicide with a preservative action in the feed. On one hand, its preservative action prevents the loss of nutrients and microbiological contamination of the feed. And, on the other hand, prevents the growth of pathogenic microorganisms by promoting the balance of the digestive flora.
Trials presented at the symposium demonstrated that MINERMOLD has immediate and long-term efficacy against bacteria such as E. coli and Salmonella with near 100% antimicrobial efficacy. In addition, field tests also show that it is highly effective in eliminating fungi and yeasts, microorganisms that reduce the nutritional quality of feed, can cause diseases in animals and are producers of toxic substances (mycotoxins).
If you would like to know more about MINERMOLD or the conferences of this second session of the Minervet International Symposium, contact us at marketing@minervet.com.