Minervet participates at IPPE 2017
20 de February de 2017
Conference about pronutrients at the University of Buenos Aires
16 de May de 2017Minervet S.A. has announced open the II Minervet Awards to researchers. These awards, organized in collaboration with University of Cuyo, have the aim to promote research and investigation in the field of additives and specifically it prizes the works focused on animal nutrition and animal welfare.
The works can be submitted until 11th September 2017 and you can read the general rules in the following text:
General Rules
- Each aspirant can present a single work which have to be submitted before 11th September
- Works must be original and they can be in English or Spanish
- A diploma will be given to all winners
- The tribunal would be composed by three consultant designated by Minervet S.A.
- The winner will have the opportunity to publish its work at Veterinaria Digital. Also, the work can be presented in some congress organized by Minervet
- The winning works shall become property of Minervet, S.A.
- If you result the winner, it will suppose that author or authors will not be able to present a new candidacy until two years passed of the mentioned award.
- Presentation: in a sealed envelope, work and computer support, specifying the slogan on the outside of the envelope. And another sealed envelope with the name of the authors inside of the envelope and specifying the slogan on the outside of the envelope. This envelope will be opened only in case of winning the award. The two envelopes, introduced into another, form a single shipment