Minervet S.A. expands commercial ties in Peru
17 de February de 2021
Minervet International Symposium 2021
13 de September de 2021In March 2021, Minervet S.A started the marketing of its products with neighbouring Paraguay through the prestigious importing company known as Chimiray S.A. This Paraguayan company has opted for the commercialisation of the following Minervet S.A products:
MINERMOLD: it is a natural additive that acts as a feed preservative (In both cases: raw material and compound feed). It has proven efficacy as a broad-spectrum FUNGICIDE and BACTERICIDE and it has short- and- long term effects when mixed with animal feed.
MINER G: it is a functional additive that can be used as a natural growth promoter. It contains bioactive molecules of botanical origin that act on the digestive system, having a positive impact on the animal growth.
MINER I: it is a functional additive made up of botanical extracts, vitamins and minerals that are essential to the optimal conditioning of the immune system. It is a natural immunomodulator of the innate and acquired immune system of birds, pigs and pre-ruminants.
During the process of product registration of Minervet S.A. in Paraguay, the technical team of Minervet S.A., has worked together with Chimiray S.A. by offering necessary information related to its products. Such data has been shared through training courses via video-conferences, technical reports and tests. These documents certify that the products are made of pure and natural minerals. That is, minerals without additives. Thus, they fulfil with the most recognised worldwide dioxins and heavy metals standards.
MINERMOLD, MINER G y MINER I: they are natural additives that do not produce residual effect on the animal and they do not lead to microbial resistance. They can be administered during all different productive phases, thus providing small and large producers all the essential tools to increase their production. These products are presented in bags of 25 kilogrammes and, when adding these products to the animal feed, the recommended dose goes from 0.5 to 1 Kg/Tn. And it is because of its low dose that these products are highly competitive in the market.
Due to high sale expectations of such products, Minervet S.A., is on the search of incorporating all its range of products in the Paraguayan market.