Installation of the experimental farm at Juan Agustín Maza University
21 de May de 2019
Technical training in China
15 de July de 2019The exhibition is held annually in China
Minervet S.A. attended to the China Animal Husbandry Expo (CAHE) held on May 18-20 2019 in Wuhan. Veterinarian Martín Quero, Minervet’s Technical Manager, represented the company and showed the products to the interested attendees who approached the booth.
During the exhibition, Minervet’s catalogue composed of different product lines – minerals, enzymes, preservatives and nutriceuticals– were exposed. The Nutriceutical line was the one that attracted more interest among the attendees, since it is presented as a natural solution to improve poultry and swine farms’ performance.
Natural products at the CAHE
In one hand, the benefits of Miner I, a feed efficiency enhancer composed of natural extracts, were explained in depth during the event. The addition of this product in feed has a positive impact on animal health, as it makes them more resistant to infectious diseases.
On the other hand, Miner E was also presented in the exhibition. This product is composed by different plant species, which improve feed and it is especially aimed at laying hens.
About CAHE
During the three days the event took place, customers, poultry producers, distributors and the general public were received at the booth. Dr. Quero offered personalized advice on the use and action of Minvervet’s products, and further explained technical information, applications, advantages and other information regarding the company and its business.
The China Animal Husbandry Expo (CAHE) is an international event held annually in China in different cities. It is considered one of the most important exhibitions in the agricultural sector of the Asian continent.