Minervet visits Aquasur
25 de October de 2016
Use of additives in the poultry industry in Argentina
15 de February de 2017A technical and management team of Minervet S.A. has participated in INTI Symposium organized by the National Institute of Industrial Technology in Mendoza, Argentina.
The event addressed issues about new technologies in food and encouraged collaboration between companies. Besides were also performed lectures on Escherichia coli and its current situation which were given by Lic. Cecilia Espejo and by the biochemist Dr. Rodrigo Neuilly.
This time, the team of Minervet had the opportunity to present the company and products to the Ing. John Majul, the highest authority of INTI and Lic. Alejandro Martinez, of the Ministry of Production of the Republic of Argentina.
The meeting represented a very positive experience for the team of Minervet because, in addition to receiving an update of the state of the sector, took the opportunity to expand their relations and to publicize its project.