Use of additives in the poultry industry in Argentina
15 de February de 2017
Minervet participates at IPPE 2017
20 de February de 2017A technical and commercial team of Minervet S.A. has participated at I International Poultry Course held in Lima last January.The event was organized by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics of Scientific University of the South (UCSUR) (Lima) and was divided in two days and two sessions. On Friday 27th and Saturday 28th students, professionals and businessmen from the poultry industry met to analyze the influences of genetics, nutrition, management and pathologies on modern poultry production, with topics handled by internationally specialists.
Between the discussed topics were: influence of the genetics in the productive parameters; relationship between nutrition and genetics in poultry production; prevention of pathologies derived from nutrition, genetics, management and facilities.