A technical-commercial team of Minervet S.A. visits Saladillo province
2 de October de 2018
Birds: Oral cavity – roof of the mouth
15 de October de 2018On September 11, the technical team of MINERVET S.A. met with veterinary professionals from the Swine Production Office to exchange information on the sector related to animal production, manufacture of additives and commercialization.
The Porcine Production Office is part of the Provincial Livestock Directorate of the Province of Mendoza, under the Ministry of Economy, Infrastructure and Energy of the Argentine Republic. During the meeting, the representatives of the office provided updated information on the situation of production, commercialization and legislation related to swine activity in the province and on the activities they perform for the maintenance of public health.
The work together with producers, the constant technical-sanitary training, the formulation of ordinances in conjunction with other provincial dependencies and epidemiological surveillance are part of the work carried out by this department.
Minervet informed the representatives about the progress of the company in terms of the incorporation of new products for the application in pigs and other species. For Minervet S.A., it is a fundamental premise to be in contact with this type of institutions to exchange technical knowledge and updated information on the market and its products, focused on maintaining food security by ensuring production parameters.
As a result of the meeting, it is launching the organization of technical training talks for producers with the incorporation of products that are available for this market. At the moment, two talks are planned before the end of 2018, one in the north and one in the south, covering the production areas of the province.