Plasma Cholinesterase Activity in Wild Birds
4 de September de 2019
Minervet targets South America: Commercial visits in Chile
16 de September de 2019Minervet S.A. has registered the products Aisen and Aisen Plus in the Livestock Agricultural Service (SAG) of Chile, where the company is increasing its commercial presence. The two products are part of the mycotoxin line made with aluminosilicates and used in ruminants, swine and poultry farms.
Aisen and Aisen Plus are used at a dose of 0.5 to 1 kg/t in feed as additives, which prevent and avoid the negative effect of the mycotoxins. The adsorption power of these products is high for a wide spectrum of mycotoxins: aflatoxins, ochratoxins, fumonisins, DON and zearalenone, among others.
Mycotoxin impact on farms
Mycotoxicosis is one of the most frequent and important problems worldwide that poultry and pig farms usually face. Its damages cause higher production costs, deterioration of the sanitary parameters and the reduction of final profits of the productive circle.
There are several factors involved in the appearance of mycotoxins in feed. They can be produced by a wide variety of fungi. Nowadays, it is known that more than 300 fungi species can produce toxic compounds. Moreover, the production of mycotoxins can be generated either in the crop, during the harvest, in the storage or in the processing. Aspects such as temperature, moisture and the activity of many insects can lead to the growth of unwanted fungi.
According to the FAO, more than the 25% of the world’s raw materials are contaminated by at least one type ofa mycotoxin, and almost the 40% of the cereals produced are contaminated by more than one type of mycotoxin altogether. The aflatoxin type is the one with most presence in Chile and the riskiest.
The addition of mycotoxin binders in feed portions is one of the most used preventive and therapeutic measures taken by both animal producers and veterinarians. In response to the marked demand, Minervet has formulated Aisen and Aisen Plus with a chemical structure that confers high efficiency in binding a broad mycotoxin spectrum. In addition, both additives are safe for animal health and do not reduce the intestinal bioavailability of vitamins, minerals and other micronutrients.
From now on, with the SAG approved registration, these products can be imported and marketed in Chile.