Meckel’s diverticulum
23 de April de 2018
Natural antimicrobials in animal feed
9 de May de 2018In April, 2018 Minervet SA, together with the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the University of Cuyo, carried out a new test in its poultry experimental farm.
Specifically, bird breeding activities were carried out under controlled conditions in order to test the benefits of natural additives on animal physiology. in upcoming months several tests will be carried out with measurement of important production parameters.
This farm became operational in 2017 and is the result of the collaboration agreement of Minervet S.A. and the Cathedra of Zootechnics and Farm. The objective of the agreement was to carry out in vivo tests with the company’s products, develop new products and research lines. In this project collaborate students of the career of Agricultural Engineering, teachers of the Cathedra of Zootechnics and professionals of the company Minervet S.A.