Birds: Oral cavity – roof of the mouth
15 de October de 2018Minervet S.A. signs a collaboration agreement with Maza University
17 de December de 2018The pectoralis muscle (pectoralis) is part of the thorax muscles of birds and is the largest muscle of the body.
It is divided into three parts:
- thoracic part (pars thoracicus), the largest part of the muscle.
- propatagial part (pars propatagialis) in relation to the propagating tensioners tendons and,
- abdominal part (pars abdominalis), this a muscular lamina in the ventral portion.
This muscle moves the wing cranially and is the largest component of wing elevation.
Under this muscle sits the supracoracoid muscle. Both muscles form the mass of the chest.
The muscles of the chest can be affected by multiple toxic, infectious or genetic pathologies that cause changes of coloration, presence of hemorrhages or alterations of the muscular tonicity.
Anatomy of Domestic Animals, 5th Edition-Robert Getty